National Bronze Mfg. Co. Attends the 65th Annual CBSA Convention


The sunny Oceanside resort of Omni Hilton Head served as a beautiful backdrop for the Copper & Brass Service Center Association’s 65th Annual Convention. Each year delegates from some the most respected Mills and Service Centers gather for just under a week of education, networking, and growth.

National Bronze Mfg. Co. has been proudly sending delegates to the Annual CBSA Convention for the last 4 years.  This year’s convention included an informative economic forecast from Economist Alan Beauileu, a seminar on hiring and keeping the best employees from Kit Welchin, and a thought provoking session on leadership from Brigadier General Nick Halley.  In addition to the information education sessions members were able to get together and discuss industry issues and share possible solutions to common problems.

The Annual Convention would be worth the cost for the educational value alone, but CBSA doesn’t stop there.  Every evening as well as some days there are ample opportunities to network with other members.  Service Center members have the chance to meet senior management from some of the largest Red Metal Mills in the world.  These introductions can lead to growth for their company and their product lines.  Mill members get the opportunity to meet with their current customers as well as reach out to potential new ones as well.


Each year the delegates from National Bronze Mfg. Co. return from the CBSA Convention with new ideas and contacts that drive growth and innovation for the following year.

To learn more about CBSA or National Bronze Mfg. Co. metal service center products, follow the links below:

Copper & Brass Service Center Association

Bearing Bronze Alloys

Aluminum Bronze Alloys

Gear Bronze Alloys

Manganese Bronze Alloys

Phosphor Bronze Alloys

Silicon Bronze Alloys

Toughmet 3 Alloys

Free Machining Brass

Cartridge Brass

Naval Brass

ETP Copper

Chromium Copper

Beryllium Copper

Beryllium Free Copper

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