Now Offering Copper Castings

For years we’ve supplied our customers with the highest quality copper and high copper alloy bar stock in rod, flat bar, and plate. From alloys like C11000 ETP Copper, C18200 Class 2 Chromium Copper, C17510 Class 3 Beryllium Copper, C17200 Beryllium Copper & C18000 Class 4 Beryllium Free Copper.
All of the above products are wrought extruded products which give them inherent limitations on the shape and size of the bar stock itself. Generally rods over the size of 4” or 5” diameter have been impossible to get.
We are pleased to announce that we are now supply copper castings for needs above and beyond the extruded product size limitations. The copper casting process is a sand or static casting. With this process we can produce material much larger than the standard wrought sizes. Special shapes are now possible as well. You can purchase a copper casting with a close near net shape to your final product. This eliminates expensive machining time and costly scrap that is associated with machining from a standard round bar or plate.
The copper cast alloys and their wrought equivalents that we can offer are as follows:
C81100 – C110 Hi Conductivity Copper
C81500 – RWMA Class 2 Copper
C82200 – RWMA Class 3 Copper
C82800 – RWMA Class 4 Copper
For a quote on a special copper casting, follow the link below: