Bronze Bearings for Nuclear Power Applications
Bronze bearings are used in a variety of nuclear applications subject to medium-to-heavy loads and slow-to-medium speeds. Often these bearings will utilize a solid lubricant based self lubricating system to provide maximum bearing life and maintenance-free operation. Bronze bearings can be designed to minimize stresses resulting from differential thermal expansion and seismic activity, and have the capacity to resist high temperatures and exposure to irradiation.
A wide selection of bronze alloys are available for nuclear applications. Manganese bronzes are used extensively, especially where toughness and shock resistance are desirable. Aluminum bronzes offer excellent wear and corrosion resistance. Tin and leaded tin bronzes provide good embedability and tolerate some misalignment, but are generally limited to low and moderate bearing loads and temperatures.
Proper selection of a suitable alloy depends on a variety of factors, which include bearing load, velocity, type of movement, temperature, environment, shear strength, fatigue strength, deformability, compatibility, hardness differential, corrosion resistance, wear resistance and cost. These factors should be evaluated in conjunction with the other bearing components to insure long bearing life and trouble-free operation.