Bronze Components for the Thermoforming/Plastic Packaging Industry
Every Christmas we get a reminder of the products produced by the Thermoforming /Plastic Packaging Industry. This Industry produces the various plastic packaging that protects many of consumer products from toys to electronics. Much of this packaging in done on Thermoforming Trim Presses, these machines are the workhorses of the custom thermoforming industry and many in plant thermoforming operations. Plastic Packaging is not the only products manufactured by these machines, other products such as disposable cups and food containers are formed on these types of presses. Within these presses are a number of bronze bushings which assist in the movement of the various parts of these machines. National Bronze Manufacturing produces a variety of components for thermoforming presses including trim press bushings, platen bushings, toggle bushings, and many others.
Follow the link below to view our brochure outlining the components we manufacture for the Thermoforming/Plastic Packaging Industry: