Join Us in the Celebration of Manufacturing Day
Manufacturing Day has been designed to expand the knowledge and improve the general public’s perception of Manufacturing Careers and its value to the US Economy. Manufacturing Day is for students, parents, educators, media, customers, suppliers, and the community at large.
The second annual MFG Day is October 4, 2013. National Bronze Mfg is hosting a free plant tour highlighting the work and innovation that the manufacturing industry brings to the US. This celebration is a chance for all great manufacturers who ‘Make It in America’ to show their value to their communities.
Our free public plant tour will begin at 1:00 pm on Friday October, 4 2013 at our Roseville, MI Plant. For more information and registration follow the link below to our MFG Day event page. We hope to see you there and join us in celebrating Manufacturing.
National Bronze Mfg. Co. MFG Day Event Page